The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9013   Message #57279
Posted By: Bill Sables (Inactive)
04-Feb-99 - 07:55 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat festival
Subject: Mudcat festival
I have just been reading about the idea of a mudcat sampler C.D. It sounds like a great idea and I for one would be interested in a copy if ever one comes out. But a thought struck me, What if there was a mudcat festival where mwmbers could come for a weekend to share their music. there could be workshops on midi music, and other aspects of computing which would be interesting to people like me who have only just started on computers. I understand that it would probably have to take place in the U.S.A. But with cheap flights from Europe these days that would go nicely with a holiday. I have only known mudcat since november but I am begining to know various members by their letters and names and I sure would like to meet them face to face and swap a few tunes. What does anyone else think of the idea. Cheers Bill