The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40132   Message #572895
Posted By: GUEST,MudWeasel
15-Oct-01 - 07:36 PM
Thread Name: Help: Name my new kitten?
Subject: RE: Help: Name my new kitten?
Well, another music question that I can answer!
Step it out Mary is a trad. ballad set in (Ireland I think). There's a slightly Americanized version called Step It Out Nancy, with a twist ending: The rich suitor upon find out he has competition, shoots said competition (a cowboy rather than a soldier in this version).
Nancy shows up to the wedding with a heavy pistol and terminates the wealthy Bridegroom, for which the 12 good men of the jury refuse to convict her. Trust the Yanks to put a happy(?) ending on a good tragedy...
Now's the time for Gargoyle to poke his head in and chew me out for discussing traditional music on a BS thread...

I think you should name the cat "Weasel" after me.
