The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40123   Message #573090
Posted By: catspaw49
16-Oct-01 - 12:49 AM
Thread Name: Hum in an amplifier
Subject: RE: Ho Hum
Kat, I think our friends across the pond have a solution for you. Again, the good folks at Lucas made wiper motors so weak that they'd barely move the wiper arms and were guaranteed to fail under adverse conditions.....such as rain. The arms had wiper blades that even when new (and assuming the motor worked for a minute or so) didn't remove the rain but rather smeared it around to the point it actually looked wetter and worse than before you toggled the switch! This is why a lot of British sports cars for many years had no windshields but instead a tiny windscreen that acted as a deflector to funnel the water back into your face in two streams as opposed to droplets.
