The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40139   Message #573141
Posted By: GUEST,Boab
16-Oct-01 - 03:49 AM
Thread Name: What did you sing as a kid?
Subject: RE: BS: What did you sing as a kid?
Ah, kingBrilliant---somethin' like "Polish it behind the door"

One of our standards--- "Roond aboot the maypole danced oor Nell Oot cam'her faither an' kicked up Helensburgh castle staunds upon a rock Every body passin' by Has got tae show their Cockiebendie had a wife she was very cantie She went in ablow the bed an' tumml't ow'r the chantie."

Long before that--I was 4 years old or thereabouts---auld Grannie taught me "the Lost Child".