The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40228   Message #574336
Posted By: M.Ted
17-Oct-01 - 03:39 PM
Thread Name: Help: Becoming a amateur performer
Subject: RE: Help: Becoming a amateur performer
Put me down with the rest of them--no matter what the song, you have to make the sound your own..This is the thing that takes a while, because you have to learn a lot about what strengths that your voice has, what emotions you express well, what tempos work best, what kind of accompaniment best emphasizes your voice--lots of stuff. You do it a bit at a time, and a lot of the work really has to be done while you are playing for audiences, because that is the only place that you can tell what works and what doesn't--

You say that you like Stan Rogers songs, but your voice is higher--it is important to find a singer whose voice is similar to your your own so you can see how they do things--It may even be an someone who never does the kind of music you like--that is OK, you are looking at technique--It may even be better, because you will copy a lot--every singer does, but if the person you are copying does a different kind of material than you, no one will ever accuse you of being a wannabee or a copycat--

One thing that is important to remember-a lot of people who sing and play the guitar tend to focus on the guitar first, and the singing is an after thought--the audience hears and responds the singing, not the guitar playing. Do what you need to do to make the vocals good, even if you have to throw away songs that you like because they are do not work as well with your voice others--