The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40224   Message #574350
Posted By: GUEST,mg
17-Oct-01 - 04:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: War, Strategy & Tactics:Part Four
Subject: RE: BS: War, Strategy & Tactics:Part Four
Good article. And doesn't it make you furious, as I have been for years, that in many buildings, including schools, including hospitals, there is no way to open a window to let stuff out. You are left with engineered air, which at best is not maintained properly, with people putting filing cabinets in front of air ducts,and god knows where they put the intake air..sucking up exhaust fumes at one university hospital...mixed in with laboratory air in another university hospital. If you have a choice, choose not to live or work where you can't open a window, either to get out or to get air in.
