The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40239   Message #574795
Posted By: Hilary
18-Oct-01 - 08:34 AM
Thread Name: What has happened to Mudcat?
Subject: RE: What has happened to Mudcat?
I've been vsiting Mudcat for about 6 months, I use it mostly to access the databases, post music-based queries & very rarely I'm able to contibute to answer. This is what it's for here for & why I hope it will prosper. . I've never yet been in any kind of group of people that doesn't go 'off-topic' into football/marriage/pets/children/fixing the car whatever it is that's on their mind & in their hearts. Why should this group of people be different ? I've noticed very little trolling/flaming in the music threads - it's mostly in the BS threads. But that's also where I've seen common sense (which is a rare commodity), understanding, compassion and a wealth of experience. IMO - It would be tragic for the wider/human resources of 'catters not be available for each other . Many of the 'pure' music threads are of going to be of NO interest to the majority - some degree of judgement & time-management is always going to be essential. As Robin2 said - the thread titles tell you most of what you need to know. . I'm even getting to like the cat-fights ! . After a hard day - sometimes serious info is what's needed, but sometimes it's the BS & awful jokes. . Keep it up everyone. . Hilary