The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40300   Message #576941
Posted By: Noreen
21-Oct-01 - 06:02 PM
Thread Name: UK - MUDCAT GATHERING 2002
I like the idea of Llanstock with attitude, Ickle! Would the Minster olde tea roomes mind us taking it over for a singaround? We did that in Fleetwood when the heavens opened when the Shellbacks were supposed to be singing by the lifeboat- the owner and staff were bemused to say the least!

Jane, bearing in mind that this thread was only put up two days ago, I don't think we can really make any judgements yet as to take up- people may well be going away and thinking about it, or not have seen the thread yet. Word will spread... and I agree with what you say about naming the gathering. Inclusive raher than exclusive, wherever it's held; lumpers not splitters!