The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40386   Message #577453
Posted By: InOBU
22-Oct-01 - 01:53 PM
Thread Name: for all who wish for war
Subject: for all who wish for war
A friend is writing to Bin Ladin to, as Quakers say, hold him to the light. I sent this responce to my friend, as what I would say to Mr. Bin Ladin, and those on this side who wish to settle this violently...
I have to take some time and put this more sucinctly, but, I think perhapes I would write to him Bin Ladin) on the nature of war and peace. In many thousands of years, no religion or political idea has been able to become domanent by killing enough of all the others to be the only truth, and no killings have ever been enough to balance the scales of justice, killing one to avenge the death of another. In short, after we tire of killing and hurt, we always make peace. Let us be more sensible and efficent and tire of the killing today and make peace.
Yours in God