The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8524   Message #57751
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
09-Feb-99 - 12:30 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Young Banker (from The Watersons)
Subject: RE: need lyrics
Talk about Click Go the Shears!Ouch! As a perpetrator of the "Anybody Ever Heard This Before" genre of thread, I observed Joe's READ THIS memo with a certain amount of inner guilt and remorse.I have experienced similar emotions while sitting in the rear pew of the Antioch Baptist Church, but rarely outside those sacred confines.

I have to say(though as a newcomer to this wonderful site I must defer to Joe,Art,Cats and others in this regard)that some of these types of threads are quite interesting not particularly for what they reveal about the subject song,but because of the various highly interesting divergent lines of thought that stem from them.My favorite things about this site are the intelligent,irreverant, and very humorous people who seem to be able to take anything from woodchucks to broken ukeleles and turn it into fascinating discussion.Also,I would never have found out about the Christian Deer Hunters Association otherwise. Thanks Catspaw! LEJ