The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40386   Message #577627
Posted By: GUEST
22-Oct-01 - 06:28 PM
Thread Name: for all who wish for war
Subject: RE: for all who wish for war
I think Little Hawk that you have finally grasped why they are fleeing. Not from the bombs, but from the insane terrorists who are running the country. Blindly spitting in the face of the western democracies, using their corruption of Islam to justify the mass murder of business people from over 62 countries. They turned commercial flights into instruments of war, and destroyed innocent lives without remorse. Now I understand the noble aspirations of gentle people who oppose violence; in fact their cries for compromise, and a return to civilized international dialogue, are those desires which make the great democracies truly a model to follow. But you must understand that all attempts at allowing peacefull negotiation have failed. The Taliban not only oppress the Afghans (sorely tried by years of warfare) but they totally disregard the rule of international law. The USA are now enforcing the fact that negotiation and compromise can only be adhered to if all the sides are willing to try. Clearly this has not been the case, and that this war is not only justified, it is vital to teach these morons that you cannot accomplish religious bigotry and repression by violence, without suffering terrible retribution from your victims. Once this lesson is learned world peace may actually become fact and not fiction. The space age hords of Ghengis Khan will perish first methinks. Golda Meier was a very brilliant woman she once stated quite factually "the only time there will be peace with Israel will be when the Arabs love their children more than they hate the jews" That statement holds true with the USA (NATO) Sir William Stephenson (Intrepid) the head of the British secret service in WW2 stated to his biographer " What seems poignantly obvious to me is that humankind already has awesome enemies to engage- poverty, disease, and ignorance, for example-and in such common cause there is reward and glory for all". The problem is that until people take responsibility for their circumstances and stop blaming history, England and the USA for all the world ills and get on with building locally, the peace we all should aspire to; then it will require the strong armed defence of liberty and the application of the ideals of justice and human rights. As much as I respect InOBU I cant help but ask why he thinks a letter from him would make any difference to these rabid dogs? and his reference to laying all the blame back on the USA for these mindless acts of destruction. I cant help thinking that the only reason he can utter such remarks and form these opinions is that armed men and women dedicate their lives to defending him and the country that granted him the right to do so.