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Thread #40035   Message #577662
Posted By: GUEST,just a nobody
22-Oct-01 - 06:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Bush's press conference last night.
Subject: RE: BS: Bush's press conference last night.

I've been following alot of the links I have found about the School of the Americas. I suppose they are right, there are graduates that have done horrible acts. So following that logic, we should close down the law enforcement (there are many corrupt cops, some actually killed people that didn't deserve it), Ban any form of organized religion (religion has been used as an excuse for so many crimes), ban the national guard (People so love to throw the words Kent State around), Ban Lawyers (Not a bad idea, after all, some knowingly get guilty people out of trouble). Ban Judges (Some actually took bribes). Ban the Government (They have lied in the past to us and have always turned a blind eye towards the suffering of others).

My point is... I don't read into the propaganda of either side. Sure, people left the school of the Americas and commited horrible crimes. But, is that the school or the individual? I would say it is the individual that chooses his 'moral path' and is the one that should be held accountable for his/her actions.

But what is the fun in all that, after all, if we all hold ourselves accountable. Then we would have no leg to stand on when condemning people that do not believe as we do. I still see posts, from time to time, railing on about how Gore won the election. Never mind the electorial college, never mind the constitution, Never mind the arguments that raged about it before because now our guy lost. Now you have to blame those regan appointed judges, the currupt counters, the machines... never yourself... did you hold up a sign, did you help others register to vote, did you talk about politics to try to sway friends, did you do anything other than cast your ballot (or not!). If all you did was your duty to vote, then perhaps you should shoulder part of that blame yourself. Not just with the election, but with all things. People do choose to be uninformed, or informed only on what they need. Choose to be a little different. Choose to look at all sides, not just a political stand your party takes. I see alot of that here, on both sides.