The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40386   Message #577736
Posted By: InOBU
22-Oct-01 - 08:15 PM
Thread Name: for all who wish for war
Subject: RE: for all who wish for war
Well let's see, What I have seen and continue to see, is that when we take the easy reactionary responce of killing the killers we often almost always return other killers to power, for example even the US gov. expresses a concern that if the Northern Alience enters Kabul, they will just become the new Taliban. Rumaninans shot Chercescu and put similar bastards in power, We killed the president of Soutn Veit Nam, our bastard who got out of control, and well it just happens again and again. Lets just stop doing the same damn thing again and again? When do we learn? You think you can scare a suiside bomber into not doing it again??? THink about it? Do you think you can kill enough of his family that he wont do it again??? Israel tried and to what end.
I am not talking about apeasment, I am talking about working for a just world. Where where all the hawks when we of faith and caring were demanding help for the women of Afganistan, now suddunly they are an issue when it sutes those who wish to use them as part of the reason we should kill in their nation.
Please think with your heads - more of your head than your limbic system.