The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40386   Message #578015
Posted By: Irish sergeant
23-Oct-01 - 09:35 AM
Thread Name: for all who wish for war
Subject: RE: for all who wish for war
Never mind all the nobility being espoused here. It is wasted in a piece of crap like Osama Bin Laden. Why? He declared war on the United States years ago, (Not to mention his native Saudi Arabia. I will be the first to admit that our policies Inre the Middle East need to be updated and more culturally sensitive but let's do that after the self appointed guardian of Islam is dispatched and I mean DEAD so there is no mistake. What his minions did is no less an act of war than the Japanese attack on Pearl harbor! At least the Japanese attacked a miltitary target. As to the Taliban, They were asked several times and knowing what our position regarding Bin Laden was, refused to turn him over even before the attacks of September 11. He was after all and still is the primary suspect in the attack on the USS Cole. In every nation in the world, if you sheild a killer yopu are an accessory to murder. In international usage by their failure to turn over Bin Laden they are rightly aggressors with the Al Quaeda. They could have avoided this whole mess by turning Bin Laden over to Pakistan or to the Hague. The U.S. would have accepted that condition. Instead, the Taliban wants to play games. This weeks game is war. Sucks to be them. Neil