The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40386   Message #578022
Posted By: InOBU
23-Oct-01 - 09:44 AM
Thread Name: for all who wish for war
Subject: RE: for all who wish for war
I never seace to be amazed a people who believe all who chose to live as they always have, and not in YOUR world, are living in the past. One group of people have not inherted the right to live in the modern world by stealing from others who live in THEIR modern world of hunting and gathering. It is ecconomic fundamentalism which is as destructive as religious fundementalism. As to personal attacks, I do appologise if I have made ad hominum attacks by saying wake up. My wife wakes me up every morning. Some times with "Larry Wake THE FUCK UP!" She means well, you need to get up early in New York to get by... As to hiding behind anonimity, well, to each his own. I do perfer to speak face to face, or name to name, but well this is now the world in which we live.
If you think the Innu live in a world that has no right to exist anymore, because you want their streams for your electicity, well, once the salmon are gone, and the bears that depend on them, and the dear who depend on bears thining the herds and the carabou who are part of the cycle, and the lichen and bacteria that exist on the lichen... well remember when we tried to recreate an ecco system in a dome, we couldn't do it. So, live in the modern world! I would rather live in the world created for us by a far more intelligent power.
Yours in the light (and the one big union)
Larry Otway