The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40386   Message #578086
Posted By: Amos
23-Oct-01 - 11:25 AM
Thread Name: for all who wish for war
Subject: RE: for all who wish for war
War is something NATURAL?

Give me an effing break here. It may be natural the way having a lizard brain is natural, but your analogy of converting vultures is deeply flawed. We have ahistory of working away from our worst sides and toward our various ideals. Embracing our deepest psychotics as our natures would be the ethical equivalent of the druggy driveby shooter who takes out a little girl at the corner traffic light "because I felt like it, man!".

I dunno about you, but succumbing to my darkest impulses because they are part of my "nature" is not part of any intention I have, and I would suspect such a notion would indicate a complete lack of intention on the part of the proponent -- an apathetic retreat into zero-responsibility, life as a wistless cork.

No thanks, pal. I prefer to believe there are better ways of being human, and to look for them.
