The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40386   Message #578599
Posted By: InOBU
24-Oct-01 - 05:42 AM
Thread Name: for all who wish for war
Subject: RE: for all who wish for war
Hi Guys: Maybe because it is five in the morning, I just had an immage of us, when we were in first grade, in the school yard, saying, "Yeah, well of course Superman could beat up Batman, cause Batman doen't have Kriptonite..." "Oh YEAH!? Well Batman could tangle him up in his web!" "But Supeman could break it, like I said, Batman's web isn't Kriptonite! So THERE!" "Yeah, but GOD could beat up Superman!" "But that is STUPID! Cause God WOLDn't WANT to beat him up!" "OH YEAH! Well what if he did!!!" No offence all, but I think we are still at it from when we were little, and as with war, we have to change the script!
All the best,
a bit from a tired mind...
Cheers Larry