The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40386   Message #578750
Posted By: InOBU
24-Oct-01 - 11:41 AM
Thread Name: for all who wish for war
Subject: RE: for all who wish for war
Well Sharon, part of the problem was not only the giving of guns, but to whom we gave them! We tend to support the worst of two evils as a general rule. The advantage in giving opportunity for betterment over guns, is that if they want to throw it back at you, it is better to be hit with a loaf of bread than a bullet.
Now Tonic, you know that killing all the bastards in the world is a task no one has ever been able to accomplish, rather it tends to plant the seeds of more and worse bastards! War, when it was a matter of a tussle over a shield wall, well, it was a rather tough sport, but didn't endanger the survival of the planit. It has become a bad habit and one that in these days of mass destruction we may not be able to afford. Today the wind is blowing from the south, and so my appartment is filled with the acrid stench of the wreakage down town, and all I can say is thank God that it was not one of the small missing Russian nuclear devises, or instead of a sore throat from the smoke, my wife and I would be glowing in the dark.
What will it take for the people of the world to realise the folly of war and greed? How much killing will be enough for you to stop living in the day of the grand colorful charge into the valley of death? Many of you, I know, would be willing to give your life to throw off the pain of this loss, but who of you would give the life of your wife, of your child. It is no longer a matter of carring clubs over the shoulder, rapiers at the side, six shooters on the hip. We now live in a world where war can mean a wound to the planit which we cannot heal. How blind can hate and hurt make you that you loose all sence of self interest. You speak about not wanting to be made to share your wealth for peace? Well our insurence here on our little home and buisness in New York was DOUBLED! Fully doubled! How is that for paying for the want in other nations? What do you have to lose yourselves before you see the real cost? Time is not on our side, friends.PS Anyone know anyone more patriotic than an insurance company (he said with a sarcastic grin)