The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40386   Message #578889
Posted By: InOBU
24-Oct-01 - 02:55 PM
Thread Name: for all who wish for war
Subject: RE: for all who wish for war
Well, let's see, I have on a number of posts given spesifics, for example, to disinvest from nations with numbered and other anonimous banking systems, start developing alternative energy sourses rather and restart American production so we stop taking 70% of the worlds reasorses and useing the world as a sweat shop to the detriment of our own production workers jobs, that is a wee start. As to the rich kid and poor kid, don't forget the rich kid, in this instance has his toys because the poor kid's folks are living in poverty to maintain that particular rich kid, as to giving war a chance, we have again and again, and it hasn't worked yet. Your suggestions will do no more than to make New York as safe as Hebron. If I wanted to live in Hebron, I'd move there, but the decision you are esposing are bringing Hebron to New York, No thanks. I rather justice than war. For those of you who think justice begins and ends with retributive justice, crack a book, that is only revenge, the easest justice with the poorest results.
Well, see you all later, cheers all,