The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40429   Message #578999
Posted By: Rick Fielding
24-Oct-01 - 05:54 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat and FSGW/Other 3d organ.
Subject: RE: Mudcat and FSGW/Other 3d organ.
I didn't even KNOW there was a Mudcat Cabin until I saw Kendall a bit the worse for wear at the workshop the next morning! Planned on visiting it the second night but I got waylayed by a couple of great jams on the way.

Sinsull, that was too bad the "Bruce" guy jumped on you for an innocent question. Manners, sadly, aren't manditory. Actually, I got a chance to talk to Bruce O a couple of times at the Traditional workshops up in the "white" house. He seemed to be enjoying himself. I didn't notice any divisions, but maybe I just missed them. Sure had fun though.
