The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40429   Message #579426
Posted By: Knitpick
25-Oct-01 - 10:24 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat and FSGW/Other 3d organ.
Subject: RE: Mudcat and FSGW/Other 3d organ.
As the housing czarina for the Getaway, I thought I'd throw in a few comments. It has became obvious to me that next year there will be no "mudcat" cabin per say, just friends housed together -- AND we are going to choose a cabin --as far away from any other-- with no one sleeping there -- to be the "late-night alternate jam location" alternate being from whatever is going on in the dining hall rooms, or the gym (which to my mind is not a nice place for a jam -- jams need to be in smaller spaces -- you know -- how many can we cram into this room and still make music? --space). And make sure that it is shown on the map handed out when folks arrive. I'm not sure about the White House, as people sleep there, but I do know that front parlor looks like a wonderful jamming space. And I agree, even as the MC on Saturday night who mentioned who was FSGW and who was Mud, that I shouldn't do that -- just whether it's the persons first, etc. Getaway -- and how wonderful it is to have them there. I thought that the 'catters integrated very well with the FSGW folks -- and there are FSGW folks that come every year to the Getaway that I still feel I don't know -- except for a name on a registration. And this was my 21st Getaway (my husband's 35th?). (My husband jammed with Keith Baldwin on Saturday night, and couldn't remember his name, and was ashamed to admit that he knew Keith had been coming for 20+ years!)

As DeanC said, we're still figuring out how to use Ramblewood.

And about snorers --we gave up trying to put them off by themselves -- there are WAYYYY tooo many of them. Hench the big box of ear plugs at registration. I don't know of a cabin that didn't have a "known" snorer in it -- mine certainly did! (And it's not my husband!) I know of at least 25+ identified window rattling snorers, and with 110 staying there, it's hard to keep them from disturbing others. And the ear plugs work folks!

And I think all the 'catters coming is helping to revive the getaway -- it was getting stagnet. Lots of wonderful new friends to see again every year! And if I find the time, to check in with on the 'cat occaisionally.

jennifer near dc aka knitpick