The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40429   Message #579444
Posted By: harpgirl
25-Oct-01 - 10:50 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat and FSGW/Other 3d organ.
Subject: RE: Mudcat and FSGW/Other 3d organ.
...this is such an insightful discussion of group dynamics I thought I'd add my one cent. Feeling left out, or "not in with the in crowd" is often an adolescent developmental issue that if unresolved, leaves people feeling left out in adulthood with no resources to change this.

The solution is so well described here. Take responsiblity for operations! An adult approach! Pitch in as a helper, volunteer, workshop presenter, admiring participant, bathroom cleaner or cook.

Next year, when Nathan is off to college I hope I can go and be a volunteer. Glad you all had so much fun....Abby