The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9055   Message #58012
Posted By: Cuilionn
10-Feb-99 - 03:58 PM
Thread Name: Dainty Davey: What's a curly pow?
Subject: RE: Dainty Davey: What's a curly pow?
Och, aye... I'm sae prood o' ye; an' they're guid guesses a'. Ye are richt on th' mark wi' "pow" meanin' heid, aye, but I'll gie ye a loof (a hand) wi' th' ithers.

"Leeze me on", accordin' tae ma sources, comes frae th' aulder "leis me" meanin' "dear is tae me". Th' phrase can be translatit, dependin' on context, intae sic variations as "how weel I love", "blessings on", "commend me tae", an' sae forth. In 'tither sang, "John Anderson, ma Jo", I've seen th' line "leeze me on yir frosty pow" rendered intae th' wairds "blessings on yir frosty pow". In this case, I'd be sayin' th' maist likely translation is "Fondly dae I think upon..." wi' th' caveat that Barbara's translation is entirely plausable as weel.

Regardin' th' spellin' o' terms, there wis nae standardized spellin' for Braid Scots altho' some scholars are ettlin' (tryin') tae set rules doon th' noo. Ye can jist wricht things oot as it pleases ye tae dae, an' auld Rabbie Burns is as guilty as ony o' us. If ye survey his wairks, ye can find a progression o' favoured spellings, subject tae ilka whim an' dram that cam alang.

Finally, ain last bit: I'm inclined tae echo th' sentiment that "light ragade" is mair properly renderit as "light brigade."
