The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8934   Message #58064
Posted By: Bill D
10-Feb-99 - 08:55 PM
Thread Name: Original Music That Sounds Traditional?
Subject: RE: Original Music That Sounds Traditional?
*grin*...Pete...funny you should mention it..many years ago,(27-30) in Wichita,Kansas, a police patrol noticed a car on a side street, (cold day, windows frosted over)..and the car was shaking...the police stopped and investigated, and heard strange, loud noises coming from the interior. They somehow managed to open the car, or convince the guy inside to open it, and found him in flagrante delecto with a duck he had stolen from the local zoo! Feathers everywhere! ....and it just so happens that a close friend of mine worked at that zoo, and was one of the keepers of that poor duck..(he carried a newspaper clipping of the incident around for years!)..Not only that-- he and another friend wrote a parody of Roger Miller's "Chug-a-Lug"..."**** a Duck", the folk process goes on, using life as its model....

(and Shambles....there are violent arguments in Philosophy between the Metaphysicans who LIKE categories, and the 'Ordinary Language' philosophers, who do not........and I guess that's what it comes down to- I like 'em, you don't...but if you should ever open a record store, I doubt I should be able to shop there if you did not separate the Gregorian Chant from the just happens that 'traditional' does mean something to a lot of people. Even though it may not be an 'exact' definition, it CAN at least exclude some things.)