The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40478   Message #580653
Posted By: DougR
26-Oct-01 - 07:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kiss Your Civil Liberties Goodbye
Subject: RE: BS: Kiss Your Civil Liberties Goodbye
The sky is falling! The sky is falling!

Midchuck: As far as I know, none of my neighbors have asses (the four legged kind). Anyway, posing this question to me begs the question: do you think I'm really Kendall?

Now had you been referring to the two legged kind, ...perhaps.

Susan: never fear. I have connetions. You have nothing to worry about. :>)

Amergin: If you'll send me a PM or post a message that you like Bush, I'll see that you are safe too! *G*
