The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40541   Message #580800
Posted By: GUEST,Rich-Joy
27-Oct-01 - 04:29 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Daddy Fox
Subject: Lyr Add: DADDY FOX
I have located the words I was after - as was Mudcatter Steve Parkes in 1999 ... they were supplied me by Tony Suttor of Darwin, Australia. He sang a great version of this, along with Paul Lawler and Sharon Mannix in the a cappella harmony trio CHAMELEON, from Darwin in the late 70's/early 80's. I'm unsure whether the (English) Ripley Wayfarers actually combined The Carrion Crow and the usual "Fox went out on a chilly night" songs to create this top little number, or if it is from "the Tradition" ...


1. Daddy Fox went out on a chilly night
With a ring tong dilly dong kyro me
Prayed for the moon to give him light
With a ring tong dilly dong kyro me.

ch. Hey fa la lee, fa la la, fa la lero
Hey fa la lero lero lee
Up jumped John, ringin' on his bell
With a ring tong dilly dong kyro me.

2. He ran till he came to a cozy pen
The ducks and geese were kept therein

3. He grabbed the grey goose by the neck
Up with the little ones over his back

4. Old Mother Flipper-Flopper jumped out of bed
Out of the window she stuck her little head

5. John ran up to the top of the hill
Blew his little horn both loud and shrill

6. The fox he ran to his cozy den
There were the little ones 8, 9, 10

7. Then the fox and his wife without any strife
Cut up the goose with a carving knife


Sorry, but could some experienced Mudcatter please link this to the two(?) threads concerning FOX songs - mentioned in the thread to do with Unsatisfied Requests. Thanks. Cheers.