The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40478   Message #580937
Posted By: Steve in Idaho
27-Oct-01 - 12:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: Kiss Your Civil Liberties Goodbye
Subject: RE: BS: Kiss Your Civil Liberties Goodbye
Well Guest - as to my protection? I am an armed citizen. And I have literally hundreds, if not thousands, of like minded citizens in the same manner. So until I am disarmed I'm going to protect myself in the same manner I always have. Writing and calling my representatives and senators, challenging them at every occasion, and voting.

Until then all you folks have is what you have. And calling me names and accusing me of doing immoral things to my Mom aren't doing anything except fragmenting a perfectly legal discussion of what should or should not be of concern.

Especially when you two both are clearly aware that you will never stand in front of me in the flesh and say those things. Makes you no better than the immoral cowards that attempt to take my rights away.

During the protests of the 60s and early 70s the government put shills like you two in the crowds to stir up the pot. Then when people really got going they were the ones who arrested us. As a member of the Viet Nam Veterans Against the War I was witness to this - so who are you two?

FBI looking to stir up a protest so that you can utilize these new laws to attempt to shut us down? Far as I am concerned you're just a couple of lame-assed shit stirrers with an attitude.

I've fought for this country, I've also protested every armed conflict since - with the exception of this one. The people we are after are trying to kill all of us - we are already being hit here with lots of things. Fine - we are in a war so either stand with it or be civil in your dissention with me.
