The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40618   Message #582589
Posted By: JedMarum
30-Oct-01 - 09:51 AM
Thread Name: Hilary Clinton
Subject: RE: Hilary Clinton
I thought HC's obvious irritation and disdain for Bush's speech was juvenile, at best - it was certainly the wrong place/time to behave that way ... but then I am not a Hillary fan anyway. Whether or not the NYPD and Fire dept folks found that as a single reason for their dislike - I cannot judge.

You're right Kendall, the incident that I had heard was to blame for the NYPD dislike of Hillary was the one where the guy who "pulled his wallet" on the cops was shot 75 times. Hillary's public condemnation of the NYPD was made before any investigation/trial could take place - the incident may well have been as gross a violation, as the headlines make it sound, but the cops involved, and the NYPD felt they deserved their day-in-court just like any other US citizen ... and should not be subject to public judgements by their public officer holders, prior to a trial. This I think is the biggest issue the NYPD has with HC.