The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40224   Message #582666
Posted By: Donuel
30-Oct-01 - 12:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: War, Strategy & Tactics:Part Four
Subject: RE: BS: War, Strategy & Tactics:Part Four
Despite the order to not "nit pick". The above document is feel good pollyana drivel that has no substance in covering the actual weapons and agents. I have posted previous multipage documents and my views on bio war, not to alarm but to inform. The feel good propoganda as seen above succeeds only in the absence of hard facts.
Wash your hands...what a wonderful deterence. Whether I post facts from CDC and NIH or make satire about such horrendous scenarios of bio war, the unwashed public will always prefer the feel good "everything is fine" message. For those who can not seperate fact from terror, perhaps they will be best served with the spin from the service veteran above.