The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40224   Message #582676
Posted By: Troll
30-Oct-01 - 12:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: War, Strategy & Tactics:Part Four
Subject: RE: BS: War, Strategy & Tactics:Part Four

Just what are the "hard facts" that are at variance with the Sgts "feel good propoganda". You don't need to know everything about chemical and biological agents to survive them.
No, he doesn't cover exactly what anthrax looks like or does.
What he does tell you is how to avoid contamination from a variety of agents, good, general rules of thumb. And that's what's needed. A Bio-attack, when and if it comes, may take any form and the specific preventive measures used for one may not be effective for others but general measures will be.
My own experience in the military concerning NBC warfare parallels the info given above.
CDC and NIH tend toward doomsday scenarios and that's natural. They are Govt. agencies and as such depend on convincing the Appropriations Committee that their work is absolutely vital in order to receive funding. This is not to say that they are wrong in what they publish, but that they have an agenda.
We all need to be aware of that.
