The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40618   Message #582705
Posted By: GUEST,I luv HRC
30-Oct-01 - 02:10 PM
Thread Name: Hilary Clinton
Subject: RE: Hilary Clinton
Lay off Hilary she has had a tough time. She has had to act like she's got some degree of pride and self-respect even though her husband has tried to nail everything in a skirt but her over the last two decades. And she has a right to roll her eyes and offer only "golf claps" during Bush's speech if she wants. What's the big deal? You people are just jellous because she got elected to a bigtime office by people who did not even know that she isn't from New york. And she is a lot better looking than bushes wife who looks like she spent 8 million bucks on plastic surgury. Go eat some sour grapes and crowes.