The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40643   Message #583179
Posted By: CapriUni
31-Oct-01 - 12:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone having problems accessing Mudcat
Well, my cookie seems to be working... (I don't mind as long as it's chocolate chip or ginger snap ;-)), but last night I couldn't get in at all.

I'm on Aol, and got the "server not found" message, was given Netscape and Digital City blickies to click... the message said, if those worked, the problem was with the site. Tried them, they worked, but when I clicked the "back" button, there was Mudcat in all its glory (except the latest messages were all dated the 28th :-/). Then, when I tried to click on a thread, I was bounced back to the "server not found" message again, and so 'round and 'round in circles I went...

Glad everthing is back to normal again. Mudcat withdrawal is a terrible thing!