The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40562   Message #583225
Posted By: Kim C
31-Oct-01 - 01:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Santa HINTS THREAD PART THREE
I am almost ready to send my things off to my person. I am quite excited about it. I have ribbed him a little bit. His hints were pretty good, though, so I didn't have to ask too many more ?????????

I dare say my hints were pretty thorough too. But Santy, I have to tell you, I will not wait until Christmas, should my goodies come early. :-)

Those of you who have shipped already - how have the mails been running so far?

A friend who works for the post office told me that things usually pick up around the first of November, and surface mail overseas can take 30-60 days. Airmail doesn't take that long, but of course can cost a lot more, depending on how much your package weighs.

With shipping and all I will probably go a little over the limit, but frankly I don't care. I am just enjoying the opportunity to do something fun.