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Thread #40224   Message #583583
Posted By: Donuel
31-Oct-01 - 09:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: War, Strategy & Tactics:Part Four
Subject: RE: BS: War, Strategy & Tactics:Part Four
Mando mike, Two of our Capitol Hill friends were tested. Holy Cross Hospital where our 2 sons were born is treating 3 anthrax victims. Our postman dissappeared but it turns out he broke his ankle. When I skinned my knuckle and the scab turned black it made me think twice. As for mail, for the last year I have kept a garbage can by the mailbox so junk mail doesn't even make it inside the house. Anthrax is real minor league stuff compared to contagious agents. Our ties to NIH could not be closer.

troll, surely you recognize spin even if it is the military that is doing the spin. If you don't, telling you the grisly details and facts will not alter your seemingly automatic contrary point of view.

I have already posted the awful truth about these agents here. I was told no one wants to hear that kind of thing.

Some are so keen on "need to know" military compartmentilization, they feel happy not knowing. For myself I view the need to know concept as ultimate arrogance.
One last thing, a well orchestrated attack would be a one two punch. 1. A mass outbreak is reported so 2. the rest of the population rush to wash in risan tainted water. Hey maybe I should advise Rumfeld what to do to "them". *G*