The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40224   Message #583602
Posted By: Troll
31-Oct-01 - 11:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: War, Strategy & Tactics:Part Four
Subject: RE: BS: War, Strategy & Tactics:Part Four
Don, yours is the contrary point of view. I asked, "Just what are the "hard facts" that are at variance with the Sgts "feel good propoganda"."
You never answered the question. Obviously you feel that everyone should wade through the web sites of CDC and NIH to learn every bit they can about NBC warfare.
So what do those august bodies recommend that the Sgt's letter does not?
That's two questions and I'm not being contrary just for the sake of being contrary. Was the letter too simplistic? Did it recommend things that won't work?
If this is what the military is teaching in its NBC Warfare Schools, then it's probably pretty straight dope. The Armed Forces are not in the habit of sacrificing men for "spin" or"feel good propaganda", especially not to something as potentially devastating as Nuclear, Chemical, or Biological attack.
