The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9041   Message #58379
Posted By: Cuilionn
12-Feb-99 - 09:59 PM
Thread Name: Don't you just love it when...?
Subject: RE: Don't You Just LOVE It When.................?
...when a lass gets back frae a lang bus ride tae th' dentist, and comes online tae find that Mudcat's nae anely fu' o' brilliant an' hilarious folk, but mony o' them hae spent precious time helpin' her sairch for obscure resources in her hour o'' she suddenly disnae mind th' dentist-visit sae verra muckle, because she's unco' blythe aboot a' these dear, delichtfu' folk!!!

(Thanks tae a' those whae e-mailed me aboot computer trauchles & helpit me wi' ma Mummer's Play! Ye're grand!)
