The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40671   Message #584541
Posted By: Muggletonian
02-Nov-01 - 08:23 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: I Hunger and Thirst (Shaker Hymn)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: I Hunger and Thirst (Shaker Hymn)
I found the lyrics!

Found a lovely recording yesterday called "Gentle Words: Shaker Songs arranged by Kevin Siegfried," performed by the Tudor Choir. It includes "Hunger and Thirst" (not, as I'd written, "I Hunger and Thirst.") These are the lyrics:

I hunger and thirst after true righteousness.
In what I've obtained, my soul cannot rest.

An ocean I see, without bottom or shore.
O feed me I'm hungry, enrich me I'm poor.

I will cry unto God, I never will cease,
'Til my soul's filled with love, perfect love and sweet peace.

It was written in Alfred, Maine in 1837.

Many thanks for all your help and suggestions.
