The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40714   Message #584542
Posted By: Dani
02-Nov-01 - 08:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Santa HINTS THREAD PART FOUR
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa HINTS THREAD PART FOUR
Gee, how do you do all that fancy 'guest' stuff? I'm still trying to figure out how to change my postmark without getting arrested.

I was sort of joking about the tome. Don't expect to receive that from my mudcat Santa, but thought putting it in writing might get the idea into the REAL Santa's head. It's the kind of thing you put 10 dollars a week aside for the rest of your life to buy. Unless it's a business expense. I just love grammar, Latin and Greek roots, etymology of all kinds. You know, where words come from, and how we use the language. I'm the kind of wierdo who enjoys teaching subject/verb agreement.

Really, gift-wise, I'm easy, and not easy. I was serious about the sand: I have many of them, from all over the world, in small glass jars. But not nearly enough! It's very cool to hold them, and then see them compared to all the others, and imagine all the places they've come from. Kids love to help me plot them all on the globe.

I love gospel in the Black tradition, "folk" of almost any kind, but especially good, hard a cappella music. My CD of the year last year was Ken and Allison, Nextradition. After this Getaway, it's the Johnson Girls' and Kendall Morse.

I hate clothes, but wear 'em anyway. I especially hate t-shirts.

I'm a gardener, and a cook, and am relentlessly, ruthlessly curious.

Now you know more about me than most of my friends and family.
