The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40714   Message #585402
Posted By: SharonA
03-Nov-01 - 12:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Santa HINTS THREAD PART FOUR
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa HINTS THREAD PART FOUR
Thanks, Noreen, for the info on "Marigolds". Hmmmm... now how would you know where to send them to me? ...unless you were my...??? Seems as if my SS is in the UK, as you are... Hm hm hmmmmmmmm...

Jeri and Blackcatter: Yeah, a committee sounds good, though I'm guessing that we live too far from one another to have a Christmas Day committee meeting; am I right? I do have a little bit of family, but they seem less and less interested in holiday get-togethers, particularly since my mother's passing. Perhaps I'll try to rally them a bit this year.

Sure wish Blackcatter's SS would check in!


P.S. – Okay, Jeri, "It's a Wonderful Life" pop quiz time: What was Mary's maiden name? (No fair peeking at the video or the trivia book!)