The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9127   Message #58590
Posted By: Bruce O.
14-Feb-99 - 05:44 PM
Thread Name: ADD Versions: Ca' the Yowes
Subject: RE: Ca' the Yowes
Yeh, but Burns undoubtably never heard of the two versions in DT.

Ca' the ewes to the knowes.

[Chorus first]

Ca' the ewes to the knowes,
Ca' them where the heather grows,
Ca' them whare the burnie rowes,
My bonnie dearie.

As I gaed down the water-side,
There I met a shepherd lad,
He row'd me sweetly in his plaid,
An he ca'd me his dearie.
Cho. Ca' the ewes &c.

Will ye gang down the water-side
And see the waves sae sweetly glide
Beneath the hazels spreading wide,
The moon it shines fu' clearly.
Cho. Ca' the ewes &c.

I was bred up at nae sic school,
My shepherd-lad, to play the fool,
And a' the day to sit in dool,
And nae body to see me.
Cho. Ca' the ewes &c.

Ye sall get gowns and ribbons meet
Cauf-leather shoon upon your feet,
And in my arms ye'se lie and sleep,
And ye sall be my dearie.
Cho. Ca' the ewes &c.

If ye'll but stand to what ye've said,
I'se gang wi' you, my shepherd lad,
And ye may rowe me in your plaid,
And I sall be your dearie.
Cho. Ca' the ewes &c.

While waters wimple to the sea;
Whild day blinks in the lift sae hie:
Till clay-cauld death fall blin' my e'e,
Ye sall by my dearie,
Cho. Ca' the ewes &c.

The chorus is set to the tune in SMM and a separate short engraving shows that an additional leading note, and some note splitting is required for the verses. [Collected by Robert Burns, and contributed, with the tune, to 'The Scots Musical Museum, #264. Burns comment on the song in the interleaved 'Scots Musical Museum' were: "This beautiful song is in the true old Scotch taste, yet I do not know that ever either air or words, were in print before."]

T:Ca' the ewes to the knowes (Chorus)
S:Scots Musical Museum
K:B phrygian
E3/4 F/4B|A/4 F3/4A|F3/4 E/4 D3/4 d/4|\
c3/4 d/4e|f3/4 B/4 B3/4 B/4|A3/4 d/4F|\
E F3/4 A/4|B B/2||]

T:Ca' the ewes to the knowes (Start verse)
K:B phrygian
E/|E3/4 F/4 B/ B/|