The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40812   Message #586282
Posted By: GUEST,Bluegrass Girl
05-Nov-01 - 06:45 PM
Thread Name: Help: 'Guitar Shoulder'
Subject: 'Guitar Shoulder'
I'd bet my eye teeth (still got 'em) that this subject has appeared before, but since (a) I couldn't find any old threads and (b) this is my first "attack" after playing nearly 50 years, I've got to ask ...

If any of you have suffered with this pain -- seems to be right under guitar strap on left shoulder -- do you have any quick fixes?

I've played the last two shows through this annoyance -- really hurts!

I must stand to play (typical 5 piece bluegrass band), and I practice standing quite often. I downgraded from D42 or HD28 to my 00016 - swapped thick leather strap for wide woven one, to no avail.

What am I suddenly doing wrong? Any/all help much appreciated.
