The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40714   Message #587073
Posted By: GUEST,Robin2's Sectret Santa
06-Nov-01 - 07:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Santa HINTS THREAD PART FOUR
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa HINTS THREAD PART FOUR
Your gift has been assembled. It will soon be whisked to your house by a team of flying reindeer, if they can get off the ground. They've been in N.California where I live in the off-holiday season and have been hanging out in wine country for a little too long, I fear. Rudolph has become such a snob because his nose is the exact shade of a certain late-harvest Merlot. They went on a tasting tour on Saturday (lord knows how they all fit in the limousine) and have not yet recovered from their hangovers. I'm glad I couldn't go (despite my aged appearance, I'm not 21 yet).

Anyway, gift sent soon, and a card enclosing my identity and maybe a picture will be sent the following day. I hope you like it!