The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40840   Message #587163
Posted By: Little Hawk
06-Nov-01 - 10:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: STOP writing 'Who's'! Enough!!!
Subject: RE: BS: STOP writing 'Who's'! Enough!!!
ROTFLMAO!!! I'm beginning to wonder just who's putting on whom around here, and with whose line of balderdash...

Gosh. Where do I start? Let's I ridicule GUEST for his/her obvious mistakes in interpretive analysis of the original intentions behind this thread? No! That would be rude and insensitive, and we most certainly don't want to accumulate nasty karma in that fashion. By "we" I and my ego. The real me is filled with compassion for any GUEST who has made the mistake of taking this thread deadly seriously, and thus ruined his/her day by fulminating against it and raising her/his blood pressure in a fruitless endeavour.

My ego on the other hand is feckless, undependable, and somewhat lacking in compassion for people with a semi-functional sense of humour, and my ego is convulsed with laughter!

Typo nazis? Yes! It is no longer enough to just have grammar and spelling nazis. Now we need typo nazis as well. And they're coming to get YOU!!!

Keep in mind that we typo nazis are only doing this for your own good, GUEST, to make the world a better, safer, saner, more healthful, loving and enlightened place. A place where people don't say "who's" when they mean "whose". We have all suffered the shame of making unintentional typos, and it is the memory of that shame which drives us on to purify the world of ALL typos!!!

And don't threaten me with your puny "karma violation citations"! I've had peeled bananas waved in my general direction more than once, and I didn't bat an eyelash. I have faced down rabid slugs in the gardens of doom. I laugh in the face of sollipsism and am impervious to slatternly disquisitions of the sort which you embrace conscientiously, while stirring your oatmeal and declaiming on the merits of incontinence to an unheeding world.

My God, where will it all end? Anybody for scrabble?

- LH