The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40840   Message #587560
Posted By: Little Hawk
07-Nov-01 - 01:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: STOP writing 'Who's'! Enough!!!
Subject: RE: BS: STOP writing 'Who's'! Enough!!!
I am truly devastated to report that the rubber sword failed miserably. I am still in this world. I am also still trying to figure out if the apparently serious objections to this thread posed by various persons above are, indeed, genuinely serious (hard to believe)...or are examples of very dry wit. If so, there are a number of you out there with a grandly dry sense of humour.

Actually, my original post that started this thread off was directed at no specific person whatsoever, although it did refer to a common error that annoys me a bit at times...but I certainly don't lose any sleep over it! Nor do I expect you to lose any sleep over it either. Feel free to make all the typos and spelling mistakes you want, folks.

Please reread this quote out of the original post:

It's enough to drive a pedant who's paying attention to all the piddly little details of whose language skills are correct and whose aren't absolutely nuts!

So stop it. You know who you are and you have no further excuse now. ("G")

Now...isn't it fairly obvious in that quote that I am making some fun of my own (and others') overly pedantic tendencies? Hmmmm? Calling myself "a pedant who's paying attention to all the piddly little details", and so on...would I do that if I were serious????

Really, people, do you not have any sense of satirical humour at all? Get with it. Whaddya think the "Grin" symbol was in there for, fer Chrissakes!

I make typos too...lots of 'em. It's inevitable, cos working on a computer causes the rapid extinction of braincells. This has been amply proven in tests involving chimpanzees. After 5,000 hours on a computer, the average chimp makes 33% more typos a week than he did back in the first week when he started! Consider the shocking implications of that. We are just gonna have to live with it, I'm afraid, cos we are all too addicted at this point to do the smart thing, turn the bloody machine off, and go out and work in the garden instead.

Spaw - Not to worry. NO ONE gives a shit around here, I can assure you! Unfortunately, not too many give a fuck either...but if I hear of someone who does, I'll have 'em get in touch with you right away.

Wolfgang - Thanks for the German passage. I love the German language.

GUEST - I am beginning to suspect that you are my old nemesis flattop, posting anonymously from the library, screwing around here and creating needless controversy, posturing righteous indignation, and so on. If you are, take a deep breath and walk off the end of the pier. That cold Atlantic water does wonders to clear the head. If not, maybe you should get to know flattop, cos he's actually quite a droll wit, to say the least.

- LH