The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40840   Message #588222
Posted By: Bill D
08-Nov-01 - 10:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: STOP writing 'Who's'! Enough!!!
Subject: RE: BS: STOP writing 'Who's'! Enough!!!
to be fair to Tyke, who wrote 'get passed' ..(not guest)...he/she explained that a spell checker WAS used in the post, which explains why 'passed' was not caught.

It is quite true that some people have dyslexia and other learning difficulties which make it frustrating and tedious to cope with grammar & spelling...but at least those spell checkers ARE available. What I do not understand is why some refuse to use one, or to use the SHIFT key, instead of typing like ee cummings.

(I also do wonder, Tyke...seriously, no ridicule one comes to type 'passed' when 'past' is meant. This is something other than simple misspelling. I am curious as to what those words mean when you are reading. Do you see them differently? If you read a sentence like "She past away the time knitting", do you see a problem? Or, "He reflected on his passed?" me, those jump off the page and SCREAM at me, but it seems not to trigger anything for some....I wish I understood better.)

Since I am NOT a good typist...(yeah...two fingers), I often hit 'submit message', and just as it is about to go, I see some error too late to correct it..(often a 't' instead of a 'y', my most common error)...but if I have typed a longer post, I use a spell-checker which avoids the worst of these mistakes. (and yes, there IS one which works pretty well right in this box, with no need to type it in a word processor first!)

*sigh*...there is a fine line between ridicule and well meaning, but humorous commentary, but if everyone would read and RE read Genie's post a few times...and take it to heart, we might all see some of the issues better!

Fine points, Genie! "Wildwood Flour" *giggle*