The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40854   Message #588534
Posted By: Bennet Zurofsky
08-Nov-01 - 05:30 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Little Sir Hugh (from Steeleye Span)
Subject: RE: Little sir Hugh
There is a considerable difference between a song that makes satiric reference to the plague and one that is part of a tradition that has directly inspired many thousands of hate crimes, including murders, over the centuries.

It is not my position that it is self-delusion to sing a version that does not make an explicit reference to Jews. My point is that even without an explicit reference there are many listeners who will understand the anti-semitic nature of the lyrics. As a result, a person who sings this song without acknowledging that fact, and somehow accounting for it in their presentation, is engaged in self-delusion and may even be viewed by some of his or her listeners as furthering the blood libel.