The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40840   Message #588926
Posted By: GUEST
09-Nov-01 - 08:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: STOP writing 'Who's'! Enough!!!
Subject: RE: BS: STOP writing 'Who's'! Enough!!!

And netiquette doesn't take into account "here" or "there" arguments. It simply says, examine your reasons for wanting to point out other peoples' mistakes and weaknesses publicly. Netiquette says, do it privately via email, or if that is not possible, don't do it at all.

Apparently, many of you are also oblivious as to how it makes *you* look for pointing out peoples' mistakes/weaknesses, and/or stridently defending the people who do.

But like I said, some will insist on sticking to the low road as a means of saving face, rather than changing course by doing the gracious thing, and apologizing for having caused offense to anyone with their insensitive remarks.

But hey--I'm tired of playing netiquette cop here. Insult whomever you please, and slap the people down who call you on it. Like I said, I'm sure you will be in the majority here, as you would be anywhere on the Internet.

Everyone knows that might makes you right.