The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9196   Message #59039
Posted By: Roger in Baltimore
17-Feb-99 - 07:52 PM
Thread Name: Lyr/Tune Req: Delta blues songs
Subject: RE: Delta blues lyrics sought
Hi Steve,

You must be new, so let me lead you around the Mudcat Cafe a bit. Here on the forum we love to help people find out lyrics, tunes, and general information about blues and folk music.

But we are lazy as well and would like you to do the work when you can.

First, there is a database of thousands of song lyrics that you can access via "Search the Digitrad Database" in the blue box at the upper right hand corner of your screen. For instance, I type [candy man] in the white rectangle and clicked "Search." By George, those lyrics for which you are looking are right there. The brackets [ ] tell the search engine to look for that exact phrase.

There is another source of lyrics. That is this forum which has been running for several years. All of it is archived. You can access it by clicking on the blue "Forum Search" at the top of the main page. You can search for a keyword or phrase either as a thread "subject" or in the "body" of a thread.

You could also search the DT by typing in @blues. That will get you all of the blues songs in the data base.

Finally, if you still are lost, ask for a specific song. We work best with one request per thread. For instance, you might start a thread entitled LYR REQ: Fishing Blues. We usually jump right on these requests. There is a broad range of experience on the Mudcat Forum, we will seldom let you down.

Welcome, Steve, to the Mudcat Cafe Discussion Forum. There will not be a test next week. If you need more help, just ask.

Roger in Baltimore