The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8754   Message #59211
Posted By: MAG (inactive)
18-Feb-99 - 08:58 PM
Thread Name: Where are the kids?
Subject: RE: Where are the kids?
Grizzly Bear: (grizzly has 3 syllables)

Talking 'bout the grizzly, grizzly bear

old work song with a very strong rhythm

doug showd us how to stretch it into a creative drama with:

stomp and tromp like a grizzly bear have you got big claws like the grizzly bear into your den like ...

sleep all winter like ...

simple Aminor - Eminor vamp; sorry, it is NOT in Doug Lipman's *We all go together: creative activities for children to use with multicultural folksongs* like I thought it was.