The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41050   Message #592486
Posted By: Bill D
14-Nov-01 - 12:24 PM
Thread Name: Complete BS (Hot Chocolate)
Subject: RE: Complete BS
wowee-zowee, MudGuard (note capital "G") *grin*...they sure do have it spelled out!..never having seen the "official rules" or even had any idea where to go look for them, I was unaware that I had transgressed!

Obviously, there are places where leaving out the quotes might be a problem, (in complex web pages, I suppose)...but I'm sure they realize that unless they make it so it doesn't work the other way, amateurs will do it 'wrong'..It's like pennies in the fuse box and driving screws with a hammer--it is a shortcut which works until it **doesn't** work.

I guess the 'standards' have been fudged and adulterated until you'll NEVER get compliance. (Look at me, trying to keep 'folk' and 'trad' undefiled..*grin*)

well, I will try to do better...

<a href="">click me</a>

...but the road to universal compliance is rocky, indeed!